Built on Need
PixNinja is Built On Need
This came to me, outta nowhere,
while doing a creative Brain Dump. PixNinja Built On Need!
I ran it by some folks
and they had the same look on their faces that you probably have right now on yours.
Something along the lines of "Hun?" or "Okay M.T., we're listening". So heregoes:
Everything and Everybody is Built On Need.
For me personally, it's the Need to Learn. Create. Produce. Be Entertained.
Be Surprised. Be Unexpected. Be Me. Have Fun. Love.
I have a sneaking feeling I'm not alone in these Needs.
PixNinja is Built On Need as well.
The Need to Help. Serve. Be Excellent. Grow. Impress. Delight.
Surprise. Be Dependable. Be Consistent. Evolve.
On the Other Hand...
PixNinja exists because my clients Need Me! They Need my Creativity.
Experience. Empathy. Knowledge. Accessibility. Drive. Passion.
Just as plants Need water and sun to survive and grow, we Need Challenges.
Trust. Respect. Curiousity. Work. Play. Satisfaction.
In order to survive I Need You! I Need Your Needs! We Need to share our Sneaky Awesomeness.
We Need You to be Satisfied. Thrilled. Secure. Enriched.
It's in our DNA. It keeps us Fulfilled. It keeps us Happy. It feeds our Souls.
It helps You Suceed and Prosper.
Oh, and incidentally, It Pays the Bills.
When You are ready to share your Needs, I'm here to Listen.