Comedy in *Marketing | Choose Your References WISELY.

Lesson in Minutiae: There is an obvious, further "Yes &" to this:

1. Most of Us have heard the term "Tits" & know it as something "Cool" or "Neat"

2. Darrell Hammond did this Brilliantly w/his Sean Connery character on SNL.

3. The tag to this image would have been "It's Le Tits" but for this interview Barbara Walters did w/Sean Connery.

As an Actor, Sean is Brilliant. As a Human...

From a Comedy/Marketing/Brand Perspective:

My Answer. In This Example: NO.


While REALLY FUNNY. I'm So Sorry. You're Welcome: TRUTH

This LOGO is a PIXNINJA BRAND message from ME about GRATITUDE.


I COULD make the reference/joke. I CAN'T justify it.



"I've been married twice. Neither one of my wives were into me punching them in the face for results. At some point they obviously stopped being into me for other reasons (& there were Plenty. Obviously.).

Whatever they were, I'm grateful it's not because I was the Tommy Morrison of Marriages."

*I reference Tommy ONLY because he was a real white boy boxer that got cast in a Rocky movie because he was a brutal puncher.

- or - I just don't joke about Domestic Violence because it's just not funny. Ask Tina.


My Answer. In This Objective Example of Functional Referential Comedy: YES.

"Yes &" ='s: Nothing is Funnier (or Truthier) than The Truth - *Del Close & Michael O. Taylor


While We're at It:

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't. - Mark Twain

Hey Ron "Tater Salad" White: Show The Kids How It's Done.


*Anybody Out There Wondering What I'm Doing w/A.I. Right Now?

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